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Interning With MMG

When beginning your internship with MMG, we take the time to get to know your goals and expectations. More importantly, we make sure that we understand what you want to learn from us and your interests. At MMG, we have many internships available, from graphic design to video and audio production. Whether you are looking for an internship for credits through college or looking for experience in the field you desire, MMG can make it happen for you.

While COVID-19 is still impacting the world, MMG is still offering the same internship programs we have in the past, just with a different look and feel to them. While most are participating in online schooling, the same will be done for internships. MMG has been working remotely since March and will execute internships the same way; with video calls, emails, and our time tracking platforms, you will still learn and be involved with the day to day business and opportunities.

The internships Multimedia Marketing Group offers are:

  • Marketing Internships
  • Media Internships
  • Design Internships
  • Business Administration Internships

A lot of things fall under these categories of internships. Our Marketing internship can be public relations, social media marketing, and advertising. Media Internships include reporting, videography, and audio. Design Internships are website design, graphic design, and print design. Multimedia Marketing is precisely what we do and teach. We work on various projects, and no client or business is the same, like an internship. When working with a new client, we work with their core values and listen to what they want and how they want to go through the journey with us; the same applies to interning with MMG. As an intern, you may attend a client meeting online to learn about client-business relationships and voice your opinion toward the client’s best plan. You will gain hands-on training, be in charge of completing projects, and learn how to interact with the corporation.

Don’t just take our word for it. Please take a look at our internship page and see our past intern’s testimonials and a testimonial video located at the bottom of the page.

Get in touch with us by email at We hope to hear from you soon!



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