Live events and events, in general, look a little different this year. With COVID-19 slowing everything down and social distancing put into practice, the thought of an event right now seems impossible. While it may feel different, modern technology gives us a way to stay connected while not physically there. With live streaming and Zoom meetings, we can all stay connected to our friends, family, and coworkers. MMG has always been able to do coverage for live events and other on-location occasions.
Live Streaming
Multimedia Marketing Group has been taking the necessary precautions during quarantine and finding ways to connect as a team and help our clients stay connected with their staff and clients. We have found a live streaming service able to be put on a website, social media platform, or a link. We offer many services for events, but this is a new one for MMG, and we are excited to share it with you.
Our Event Services
As mentioned before, events look different this year. This doesn’t mean they have to be completely different; we still offer the same services for events as before. The first step of the event journey is more to tell us what you need: a ticketing system? Web brochure? What level of attendee engagement are you expecting? What outcomes do you want to achieve? Multimedia Marketing Group provides a broad range of services, and these services offered can vary from one event to another.
Let the Journey Begin
Once we commence on the journey toward your event, we provide you with continuous, up-to-the-minute status. We take a proactive approach since, as you know, stuff happens! From the Key Note speaker stuck in traffic to your CEO wanting a different rain date or changing the golden shovel to silver! Yes, it has all happened. Need to manage multiple websites, including your event information, such as registration pages and Facebook event pages. We have the internal capabilities to provide all of this and more, all in-house. How about Speaker, Sponsor, or Exhibitor Pages? We will work with your IT and other members of your team to ensure everything is seamless. Once we meet with you, we will specify the event planning services that will be provided. And yes, the best part there is ‘no-charge’ for this meeting!
Why Hold Events Right Now?
You may be questioning even doing an event right now. People right now need something to look forward to, especially an event that they were supposed to go to and was canceled. Look at concerts, either people are live streaming or doing drive-in concerts, sports are doing the same, just with an empty stadium. As a society, we need to find ways to make our new normal as enjoyable as possible. Another good reason to do a live streaming event is that it shows that your brand innovates a way to work around COVID-19 and shows loyalty. Brand awareness is still an ongoing business requirement even with people under stay at home orders. Brands are experienced instead of witnessed. Nothing can compare to the impact and effect on a corporate brand that is created at an event. The key is to use your upcoming event to its full potential as an organizational marketing tool. If you are interested in trying out live streaming events and any other event service MMG has to offer, please visit our get in touch with us page and fill out our form there. Tell us about your company and your event goals, and set an appointment to speak with us and also receive a free white paper exploring your brands, Modus Operendi. Also check out our Event Planning Brochure
We hope to hear from you soon!
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