Like all of us at Comtech Multimedia Marketing Group, there are several groups of people that are coming together for this project. They are not only Presenting their time and talents, but also their hearts to make the Birdwell Family’s dream come true.
One group of young Rockford teens are utilizing their teamwork skills and abilities to help the process of getting the Birdwell family into their new home. These teens are part of the Sharing Work for Excellence Everywhere Program, also known as SWEEP. Thanks to this organization, the landscape of the future Birdwell house has dramatically improved from its original condition. At first sight, the team knew that they had a lot of work on their hands as they faced broken glass and other debris in the backyard of the house. Overall, their services have included: mowing, disposal, edging, and other general maintenance for the landscape of the house. SWEEP Project Coordinator Annie Hobson is proud to have her team working for this amazing project, “It feels awesome, not just beca use were moving in veterans, but because we have young people who are playing a huge role in getting this home ready for the veterans.” Without a doubt, these teens are making an impact not only on this project, but in the Birdwell’s lives.
Tri-Star Landscape Contractors and the City of Rockford Public Works are also donating their time and services to the landscaping of the house. The City of Rockford Public Workswill be removing asphalt from the backyard to create a larger surface area for landscaping. Tri-Star owner Mike Coil and his crew will then come in and transform the current landscape of the house into a family friendly landscape that the Birdwells will love.
Coil has many plans for the backyard of the home that remain Top-Secret until the reveal on September 9th.
This is just a highlight of three of the organizations that are donating their time and resources in order to have this home ready for the Birdwells on September 9th. We cannot forget all of the volunteers from Home Depot and the Rockford community that will also be helping aid this effort. The overall result: one veteran and his family taken of shelter care and given the opportunity of a fresh start together.
The time, resources, and abilities that every volunteer and organization will be putting into this house is something that you cannot possibly put a dollar amount on, as the result is more than enough of a payment.
Rachel Tripp, Marketing Intern
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