Refresh or redesigning your website can be an uphill battle, with new design trends emerging daily. Not all directions mean a complete redesign, but they also don’t mean that you can change the website’s color and be done. In this blog, we’ll teach you the difference between the terms and the signs you should be looking for regarding your website’s form and function.
So, first things first, what is a website refresh? When you go to “refresh” your website, it means that you are updating something on the website that doesn’t change the over-arching structure of your sites, like your navigation menu or page locations. An example would be updating your media files or color on a page or piece of text. It can be as simple as changing fonts and typography or as extreme as re-branding your company’s color palette.
Next up, what is a website redesign? On the other hand, this would be a complete change to the website. The entire form and function of your website would change, like switching from WordPress to another website builder. Website’s inner developments are ever-evolving and updating, making a redesign a little more invasive and time-consuming. With that in mind redesigning your website can be simple too! Things like changing the layout of a page or adding a new theme to your website are part of an overall redesign but can be done on a current site just as quickly. Sometimes a refresh can turn into a redesign before you. Technology, at its best, still has some glitches and will never be “perfect,” so when changing a logo or a font, you may find that the function of your website itself changes, making it a redesign. Remember, you always want your website to be responsive and user-friendly site. Who wants to browse through a buffering website? Not me!
So, what is the better option? Well, that’s entirely up to you, but you should ask questions about your website’s dreams and goals.
Once you comb through your vision and goals, you can have a fundamental element in mind for a website designer to start their magic. Having a website designer help you with your website building and upkeep is an overall plus; they can see problems you may not know about or even know where to look for them. They will also be able to help you decide whether a complete redesign is necessary, keeping costs and time down.
Redesigning or refreshing your website is an exciting part of refining your web presence. Every website is a work in progress and is never completely done; over the years, your website will grow and change many times to better reflect your brand and the website trends.
Here at MMG, we help companies build brand-new websites and help manage the websites so our clients can have time for other responsibilities. We also save them from the headache of technology being…well, technology. We believe your success is our business, and we can’t wait to turn your website dreams into a reality. View our Website Design Page to learn more!
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