It’s not your logic but your heart that has the ability to find the most powerful story.
A filmed story presentation needs to have characters you want your audience to root for. You need to have a conflict that keeps people on the edge of their seat. You need to have a story arc that rises, climaxes, and falls with the hero’s journey.
Essentially, it’s not your logic but your heart that has the ability to find the most powerful story. Human beings are all the same in their truest essence. What tugs at your heart will be what your audience connects to. The story must focus on what you feel.
Every Transmedia story is a chance to explore the remarkable.
Every day, we have thousands of moments that we integrate into our memories and ourselves. Informed by this vast repository of life experiences, we evaluate new information that comes our way. Therefore, we know, in our hearts, what’s original, what’s curious, what’s unforeseen. Finding a good company story starts by listening. You have to immerse yourself in the story to find the remarkable. You’ll know it when you see it.
The next step is to find a fascinating person who will tell the story for you. Just think of the people who interest and intrigue you in your life – these people are unique. More than that, they are also complex and honest enough to show their strengths and vulnerabilities. That may be a client, a customer or your chief operating officer.
Finally, there’s a sense of want. Call it desire, ambition, longing, or yearning. Your audience doesn’t care about what the character wants any more than they want it. Life is lived in the details of the story you want to tell.
Poetic advice for life as well as Transmedia storytelling
Every Filmed story is situated in a place that brings an additional layer of meaning. Place is more than just the environment. It’s also situation, time, and objects. It’s the sunny beach where a diver explores the seas on their summer vacation, a home where a woman’s dreams are born, a scrapbook that hints of a whimsical past or a lone walk in the country giving voice a thought to people who might not have had one. We see in the details of these environments glimpses of a person’s passions. Of whom they are. Places make your characters whole and anchor your story to the tangible.
Stories are the brain’s way of organizing information – in other words, how we rise above the noise of social media marketing. Stories package information for rapid comprehension by engaging the brain at all levels: intuitive, emotional, rational, and somatic.
The neurological, psychological and biological underpinnings of a compelling story, incorporates the perspectives of cognitive and social psychology. It applies neuroscience and brain functioning to effective media and story development. Combining the written or spoken word with visual images to create a hybrid form of intra-communication called visual language that becomes the basis of a great filmed presentation.
What makes the heart beat faster?
Stories aren’t interesting unless something changes and obstacles get in your way. Nothing is easy in life. When people have desire, it will always lead to conflict. The distance between want and achievement leads to a journey that reveals a purpose. Purpose is where you, the storyteller, have to insert yourself. For every Transmedia story, think of five keywords that embody what you want to say and make your storytelling choices around those words. You, your product, or your services are part of the story at this juncture.
What does the heart want?
Story is about intuition rather than formula. Finding the remarkable comes from listening with an open mind and following your heart. Finding place means paying attention to the impressions that you receive from your surroundings and what images, memories, and feelings they may conjure up. Tapping into your own intuition unlocks the storyteller in us all.
Want Success in Business and Life………. It’s always about people.
No matter what the supposed topic, you’re ultimately talking about things that affect people. Whether your widget is better than the other ones, they may care if it makes their lives easier, saves them money or time, or otherwise affects them in a practical way. That could get them to buy or invest or work for you.
Looking ahead in the new mobile social environment
As we look ahead to 2015, you must be prepared for these significant shifts in the way you will be communicating with your customers and prospects. In this new mobile social environment, content delivery tools like Transmedia Filmed presentations have the ability to increase marketing Return on Investment, but only if you know how to use them effectively.
Beginning, middle, and end
You’re on a quest and, so, you must travel some kind of Transmedia storytelling road. Filmed Stories have a beginning, middle, and end because the structure is a proven way to get from one point to another. Miss a part and you’ve removed important planks from your bridge across the marketing chasm. Understand the journey and make your Transmedia storytelling a mechanism to take your audience along.
Joseph Arco
Comtech Multimedia Marketing is an international award winning Transmedia Storytelling group.
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